
zmy 2020-10-15 374

delete icsaleentry where FInterID=(select FInterID from icsale where fbillno='发票号码') alter table icsale disable trigger all delete icsale where fbillno='PSEFP136774' alter table icsale enable trigger all
--填写发票号码,数据库执行。解决 删除发票 提示,上游单据不存在。

select * from t_RP_Contact where FType=3 and FIsInit=0
and FInvoiceID not in (select FInterID  from ICSale )
select * from t_RP_Plan_Ar where FOrgID ='FID'
delete from  t_RP_Contact where FType=3 and FIsInit=0
and FInvoiceID not in (select FInterID  from ICSale )
delete from t_RP_Plan_Ar where FOrgID ='FID'

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